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I’d rather not know

If I’m positive my life is over

One of the things that make HIV so difficult to control as a virus is that people are afraid to test. This means lots of people are spreading the virus without knowing. Sure it is scary to take that test. But sometimes courage is more important than hiding away.

Why are people scared of testing?

Fear is stronger in people who have not been tested, or those who’ve gone for the prick but for did not return for their results.

HIV is not a death sentence if you test and treat it. With a healthy lifestyle and ARVs (medication for HIV) you can live a long life. When you feel ready, talk to someone you trust who can give you support like a family member, friend, counsellor, doctor or traditional healer.


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So true

4 years, 5 months Ago Report

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agreed bro

4 years, 5 months Ago Report


This is very useful

4 years, 5 months Ago Report


AIDS is not end of life

4 years, 6 months Ago Report

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4 years, 5 months Ago Report
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