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Content appropriate for readers 15 and older

Harmful Traditional Practices

Deadly Rituals for Girls

There are various abusive practices that violate the rights of young girls which were traditionally hidden under the banner of culture. But these expose the young girls to various sexual and reproductive health challenges. These include the following:

Chiramu: Although this is a culturally acceptable practice, where a sister’s husband makes teasing jokes, sometimes including hugs and some little favours to his wife’s sisters and cousins in the name of “my husband or wife”. However, a lot of young women end up being sexually exploited. Learn to keep a distance, and don’t allow anyone to touch your private parts.

Child marriage: Some religious practices, including the apostolic sect allow the marrying off of young girls to older man, normally in polygamous situations. Remember no girl is supposed to get married if she is still less than 18 years. As a young girl you have the right to choose a sexual partner and a partner to marry, and when to marry.

Kugara Nhaka: Although it is now rarely practised, there are some communities where it still takes places. This is where a widow is forced to marry one of her late husband’s brothers. It is a risk factor for contracting STIs, including HIV.


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it is real bad and satanic to practice child marriages

7 years, 3 months Ago Report

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