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Do you have questions on love, sex and relationships?

Country: Zimbabwe Change your country

Visiting a clinic

How old do you have to be?

If you are 16 or older you have a right to treatment at any clinic and you don’t need any adult to accompany you or give you permission. This includes getting contraception like the pill, an implant or injection. If you are 15 or under, you still have the right to treatment, but you will need the consent of your parents or a guardian for some services like VMMC and HIV testing. They will have to go with you on the day.

Most facilities in Zimbabwe have Youth Friendly Services to cater for the needs of young people. Find that desk as your first stop.

As a patient at the clinic:

But you also have responsibilities regarding your healthcare:

You are never too young to take control of your health. It makes you far smarter than friends who ignore health (or sexual health) issues and worries.


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